One of the things that prompted us to look at moving to the West Des Moines area was the number of requests we had from our current customers. We have such a great following from the western counties and suburbs that it just sounded like a great idea. The second thing that was like the cherry on top was being approached from our current landlords that they had a great location for us to consider. So once we walked into the empty building we knew it was a great fit in an incredible community!
We offer a wide range of gifts for people of all ages and gift giving for all purposes. As we grow we will also be opening up space for ladies nights out, small birthday parties and special evenings for shopping. We also hope to expand to serving our local realtors with client house warming gifts.
Customer service and relationship building. It is our mission to get to know our guests, to serve them and provide an exceptional service to them. Everyone has a story and when you learn what those are you are better able to help meet the needs of each person.
We are excited to be in the WDM community because it is a growing area with the surrounding suburbs. There is always a new focus to keep us on goal of carrying the most current and trendy gifts available.Â
Posey and Jett’s is a company focused on giving people hope, comfort and to bring a bit of joy to their hearts while shopping with us. Along with supporting local schools and communities we also focus on giving back and supporting two charities very important to us. St. Jude Rides for Kids and Garden Gate Ranch. Every year we hold special events in which to raise funds and have Warmies donated to the children of these organizations. We also provide what we call Blessing Bags to those who are going through a life crisis. People are nominated by our guests and once chosen a Blessing Bag is created just for them and donated to them by the person who nominated them. Blessing Bags are a signature idea of Posey and Jett’s which we are very proud of.
Other fun facts…Posey and Jett’s is a completely Covid created business. We never intended on opening a store but here we are.
We travel to several states a year promoting Posey and Jett’s and our signature product Warmies which are a therapeutic plush animal that can warmed in the microwave for a warm compress, placed in the freezer for a cold compress, they are weighted for the comfort of weight as well as lavender infused.Â
Learn more about Posey and Jett’s here. Big welcome to Kevin & Becky Brehm and their business, Posey and Jett’s!Â