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What is HSLA?

The High School Leadership Academy (HSLA) is led by the West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce in partnership with the West Des Moines Community School District allows students in West Des Moines the opportunity to expand their leadership skills. 


The vision of HSLA is to help West Des Moines students build the skills and confidence to take on whatever comes next. Through hands-on experiences, expert speakers, and real-world training, students gain the tools to lead, collaborate, and stand out in their school, work, and community.

How to Apply or Nominate a Student

Students will be selected for this opportunity through a nomination process. Students are able to nominate themselves for HSLA or teachers, parents, and staff and can submit a nomination on behalf of an unlimited number of students. Each submitted nomination will be carefully considered leading to a selected class of 30 students to participate in the first annual High School Leadership Academy. 

For the 2025 HSLA Class students in grades 9-11 from Valley Southwoods, Walnut Creek, and Valley High School are eligible for this program. 

Important Dates:

  • February 10: Nominations open. 
  • March 7: Nomination close.
  • March 24: Students will be notified of their acceptance.
  • April 8: First annual HSLA Workshop held at Valley High School.
    • On April 8 students will…
      • Listen to a keynote speaker that will talk about failure and success
      • Ask questions to a panel of professionals to talk about career exploration 
      • Connect with young professional mentors
      • Compete a case study on professional communication

If you have any questions about the nomination process please do not hesitate to reach out to Meredith Murphy: meredith@wdmchamber.org.

Who makes HSLA possible?

If you are interested in supporting HSLA as a Presenting or Supporting Sponsor, please reach out to the WDM Chamber Team. If you’re interested in being a $500 Scholarship Sponsor, you can sign up here.

What's next for HSLA?

In 2026, the High School Leadership Academy will expand its programming to launch to full Academy schedule. Students will engage in four full days of learning to amplify the impact this program can have. Students will go off campus to learn from business leaders in the community, receive free professional headshots, and dive deeper into learning about what Leadership in West Des Moines looks like. 

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