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Mid-Year Planning: Ignite Your Journey to Success

Katherine Harrington - President & CEO of WDM Chamber of Commerce

By Katherine Harrington, President & CEO | West Des Moines Chamber of Commerce

Can you believe we’re already halfway through 2023? It’s time to reflect on the past months and gear up for the rest of the year. In this article, we’ll explore practical ideas and motivations to help you accomplish your goals and find a balance between the past and the future.

Future Planning Retreat:

Block out some time this summer to focus on future planning. Set up a retreat with your team to envision the goals you want to achieve. Visualize success and map out the steps to get there. Ensure every team member understands their role in accomplishing these objectives.

BetterCulture Training: Invest in yourself and your organization by taking part in BetterCulture training. This leadership development program offers insights and techniques to create an exceptional culture within your team. The skills you gain will not only benefit your business but also extend to your personal life.

Recharge and Enjoy Vacation:

Summer is the perfect time to recharge and spend quality time with your loved ones. Embrace the vacation season and explore new experiences. Step out of your comfort zone and engage in activities that rejuvenate your spirit.

Prioritize Your Health:

Schedule a comprehensive check-up with The Iowa Clinic’s executive health program. This convenient one-day program ensures all your important yearly health checks are completed. Taking care of your physical well-being is essential for maintaining productivity and overall happiness.

Organizational Tools and Systems:

Evaluate your organizational tools and systems. Declutter your email inbox and streamline your phone to enhance efficiency. Research helpful tools like the ‘Remarkable’ for notetaking and the ‘ChiliPad Sleep System’ for regulating body temperature for a better night’s sleep.

Reboot Your Workout Schedule:

If your workout routine has fallen off track, now is the time to get back on board. Remember, momentum breeds more momentum. Get moving and commit to regular exercise to improve both your physical and mental well-being.

Prioritize Mental Health:

Take time to care of your mental health. Reach out to trusted friends or professionals who can help you uncover blind spots that may be hindering your success. Prioritizing mental well-being ensures you’re in the best state of mind to tackle challenges. Say only positive things to yourself for a day and see what happens.

Attention to Detail:

The way you handle one aspect of your life reflects your overall approach. Take pride in your surroundings and cleanliness, such as keeping your car tidy. Small acts of organization can have a positive impact on your mindset and productivity.

Declutter Your Space:

Clear out that notorious junk drawer! Trust me, you’ll thank yourself later. Decluttering your physical space can create a sense of clarity and organization, allowing you to focus better on your goals.

Celebrate Your Accomplishments:

Take stock of your achievements over the past six months. Keep a diary of your successes and share them with pride. Celebrate your progress and acknowledge that you’re a superstar with the power to make a difference in the world.

As we approach the midpoint of the year, it’s essential to reflect on our progress and embrace the opportunities that lie ahead. By dedicating time to future planning, self-improvement, self-care, and decluttering, you can jumpstart the rest of your year and unlock your full potential. Remember, you have the ability to create positive change and become the best version of yourself. Here’s to a successful second half of 2023!

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