Home » Expert Advice » Waiting and hoping your work will be noticed is not a strategy

Waiting and hoping your work will be noticed is not a strategy

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Empower your boss and he/she will empower you. Be proactive and help the boss, your team, your company look good, and it will get noticed.  It often leads to more responsibility, more credibility and other leaders in the company will also take notice.    

“I’m trying but they don’t see it.”  Ask for feedback – and I would definitely ask for feedback on my best work to make sure they notice! A busy boss can overlook it and you want to call attention to your best work and get critical feedback to improve where you need it.  Take advantage of the performance review process to put your best contributions in writing and discuss them with your manager. 

Know your audience – much like a sales process –  you listen, you learn motivations, communication style, influencers, and – you adapt. Good follow-up (without becoming annoying) is always a good plan.  

Everything I’ve done to focus on lifting up others in their jobs has yielded positive results for me. Take the high road that asks,” what can I do to add value?” – never “what’s in it for me?”

Therese Wielage

VP Sales & Marketing, Merchants Bonding



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