West Des Moines, Iowa
Population – 61,624
Median Age – 34.6
Median Household Income – $70,906
Poverty Rate – 6.8%
Number of Employees – 36,386
Median Property Value – $195,500
oines, IA has a population of 61,624 people with a median age of 34.6 and a median household income of $70,906. Between 2015 and 2016 the population of West Des Moines, IA grew from 61,266 to 61,624, a 0.58% increase and its median household income declined from $71,200 to $70,906, a 0.41% decrease.
The population of West Des Moines, IA is 82.4% White, 6.59% Asian, and 5.51% Hispanic. 13.1% of the people in West Des Moines, IA speak a non-English language, and 93.4% are U.S. citizens.
The median property value in West Des Moines, IA is $195,500, and the homeownership rate is 59.5%. Most people in West Des Moines, IA commute by Drove Alone, and the average commute time is 16.4 minutes. The average car ownership in West Des Moines, IA is 2 cars per household.
The economy of West Des Moines, IA employs 36,386 people. The economy of West Des Moines, IA is specialized in Finance & Insurance; Professional, Scientific, Tech Services; and Management of Companies & Enterprises, which employ respectively 4.58; 1.42; and 1.34 times more people than what would be expected in a location of this size. The largest industries in West Des Moines, IA are Finance & Insurance (7,936), Healthcare & Social Assistance(4,823), and Professional, Scientific, Tech Services(3,690), and the highest paying industries are Utilities($69,954), Professional, Scientific, Tech Services($65,386), and Real Estate, Rental & Leasing ($51,629).
Median household income in West Des Moines, IA is $70,906. Males in West Des Moines, IA have an average income that is 1.48 times higher than the average income of females, which is $55,249. The income inequality of West Des Moines, IA (measured using the Gini index) is 0.464 which is lower than the national average.
Median Household Income
Households in West Des Moines, IA have a median annual income of $70,906, which is more than the median annual income in the United States. Look at the chart to see how the median household income in West Des Moines, IA compares to that in it’s parent locations.
Employment by Industries
From 2015 to 2016, employment in West Des Moines, IA grew at a rate of 2.58%, from 35,472 employees to 36,386 employees.
- 21.8% Finance & Insurance
- 13.3% Healthcare & Social Assistance
- 10.1% Professional, Scientific, Tech Services
- 9.6% Retail trade
- 8.1% Educational Services
- 6.4% Accommodation & Food Service
- 6.1% Manufacturing
The most common employment sectors for those who live in West Des Moines, IA, are Finance & Insurance, Healthcare & Social Assistance, and Professional, Scientific, Tech Services. This chart shows the share breakdown of the primary industries for residents of West Des Moines, IA, though some of these residents may live in West Des Moines, IA and work somewhere else. Census data is tagged to a residential address, not a work address.
Health & Safety
Insurance and Medicare coverage combined with state and county level health and safety statistics for West Des Moines, IA. In Polk County, IA the age groups most likely to have health care coverage are 6-17 and 6-17, men and women, respectively. The location has a 1 to 97 primary care clinician to patient ratio and a Medicare reimbursement average per patient per year of $7,712. Wapello County, IA has the highest prevalence of homicides of any county in Iowa.
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Originally posted by Data USA.